Getting the data

This tutorial uses data downloaded from IPUMS’ ATUS-X extract builder. The data includes samples from 2003 - 2017.


Type Variable Label
H RECTYPE Record Type
H YEAR Survey year
H HH_SIZE Number of people in household
H HH_CHILD Children under 18 in household
H HH_NUMKIDS Number of children under 18 in household
H AGEYCHILD Age of youngest household child
H HH_NUMADULTS Number of adults in household
H HHTENURE Living quarters owned, rented, or occupied without rent
P PERNUM Person number (general)
P LINENO Person line number
P DAY ATUS interview day of the week
P WT06 Person weight, 2006 methodology
P HISPAN Hispanic origin
P MARST Marital status
P EDUC Highest level of school completed
P FULLPART Full time/part time employment status
P SPOUSEPRES Spouse or unmarried partner in household
P SPSEX Sex of respondent’s spouse or unmarried partner
P HH_NUMOWNKIDS Number of own children under 18 in household
P KIDUND13 Own child under 13 in household
A ACTLINE Activity line number
A DURATION Duration of activity

Additionally, two time use variables were constructed in ATUSX:

  • The telesolo is a constructed time use variable from activity codes 120303 & 120304 conducted while alone.
  • The telesp is a constructed time use variable from activity codes 120303 & 120304 conducted with a spouse or unmarried partner present.

Extract Notes:

  • DATA FORMAT: .dat (fixed-width text)
  • STRUCTURE: Hierarchical
  • SAMPLE MEMBERS: Respondents

Data Download and Import

IPUMS NOTE: To load data, you must download both the extract’s data and the DDI.
Download the .DAT file after ATUSX processes your request (you will get an email).
To download the DDI file, right click on the DDI link under the CODEBOOK heading, and select “save link file as”

Detailed instructions for importing the data can be found at:

This R code was executed in the open source edition of RStudio.

Set the working directory file path

You will need to change your file path to the local folder where you saved the ATUS data extracts.
Notice the “/” lean to the right and not the left “" if you are using a Windows computer.


Load the libraries


Libraries can be installed with the commands install.packages("ipumsr") and install.packages("tidyverse"). These only need to be installed once but users must load the libraried each time Rstudio is started.

Load ATUS Data into R

Users should change the "atus_00037.xml" to the file name of their own ATUSX extract.

ddi <- read_ipums_ddi("atus_00037.xml")
data <- read_ipums_micro(ddi)
## Use of data from ATUS-X is subject to conditions including that users should
## cite the data appropriately. Use command `ipums_conditions()` for more details.

Set-up the Data

Overview of the data

# Make sure data is now a dataframe.

#Look at the structure of the data

# Check-out the variable names
# Make the variable names lowercase
data <- data %>% rename_all(tolower)

Change the variables’ class from labelled to integer, character, or factor

data <- data %>%
  mutate( year       = as.integer(lbl_clean(year)),
          caseid     = as.character(lbl_clean(caseid)),
          hh_size    = as.integer(lbl_clean(hh_size)),
          hh_child   = as.integer(lbl_clean(hh_child)),
          hh_numkids = as.integer(lbl_clean(hh_numkids)),
          ageychild  = as.integer(lbl_clean(ageychild)),
          hh_numadults = as.integer(lbl_clean(hh_numadults)),
          hhtenure   = as_factor(lbl_clean(hhtenure)),
          day        = as_factor(lbl_clean(day)),
          wt06       = as.integer(lbl_clean(wt06)),
          age        = as.integer(lbl_clean(age)),
          sex        = as_factor(lbl_clean(sex)),
          race       = as_factor(lbl_clean(race)),
          hispan     = as_factor(lbl_clean(hispan)),
          marst      = as_factor(lbl_clean(marst)),
          educ       = as.integer(lbl_clean(educ)),
          fullpart   = as.character(lbl_clean(fullpart)),
          spousepres = as_factor(lbl_clean(spousepres)),
          spsex      = as_factor(lbl_clean(spsex)),
          hh_numownkids = as.integer(lbl_clean(hh_numownkids)),
          kidund13   = as_factor(lbl_clean(kidund13)),
          activity   = as.character(lbl_clean(activity)),
          region     = as_factor(lbl_clean(region)),
          telesolo   = as.integer(lbl_clean(telesolo)),
          telesp     = as.integer(lbl_clean(telesp)))

Prepare duration and activity variables

# Change NA to 0 for duration & activity minutes
data[["duration"]][[["duration"]])] <- 0

data[["activity"]][[["activity"]])] <- "0"
# Check that duration = 1440
data %>%
  group_by(caseid) %>%
  summarise(total= sum(duration))
## # A tibble: 191,558 x 2
##    caseid         total
##    <chr>          <dbl>
##  1 20030100013280  1440
##  2 20030100013344  1440
##  3 20030100013352  1440
##  4 20030100013848  1440
##  5 20030100014165  1440
##  6 20030100014169  1440
##  7 20030100014209  1440
##  8 20030100014427  1440
##  9 20030100014550  1440
## 10 20030100014758  1440
## # ... with 191,548 more rows

Create activity variables by person

Create the activity variable components

This creates a logical object in RStudio for each activity category.
The activity codes can be found in ATUS’Activity Coding Lexicon.

NOTE: The figure published in PAA Affairs used a more conservative measure of housework activities. This code includes all housework activities.

# Childcare
ccare <- data$activity %in% 
  c(030100:030400, 080100:080200, 180381)

# Housework
hswrk <- data$activity %in% 
  c(020101:030000, 080200:080300, 080700:080800, 090100:100000, 160106, 070101, 180701, 180904, 180807, 180903, 080699, 160106)

# Leisure
leisure <- data$activity %in% 
  c(120100:130000, 130100:140000, 160101, 160102, 181200:181400)

# Sleep
sleep <- data$activity %in% 

#Leisure sub-types
socl <- data$activity %in% 
  c(120100:120200, 120200:120300, 120400:120500, 120501, 120502, 120504, 120599, 130200:130300, 130302, 130402)

actl   <- data$activity %in% 
  c(120307, 120309:120313, 130100:130200, 130301, 130401, 130499)

pass   <- data$activity %in% 
  c(120301:120306, 120308, 120399, 120503)

# Television
tele   <- data$activity %in% 
  c(120303, 120304)

Create the activity identification variables in the dataset

Next, we use those logical objects to create the activity category variables in our dataset. First, we create a new variable called “actcat”, with missing values. This variable will identify the activity categories, using the logical objects we created.

data$actcat[ccare]   <- "child care"
data$actcat[hswrk]   <- "housework"
data$actcat[leisure] <- "leisure"
data$actcat[sleep]   <- "sleep"
data$actcat <- as.character(data$actcat)

We’ll also create a leisure category variable and one for television. Sub-categories of activties need their own variables. Here, television is a subcategory of passive leisure, which is a subcategory of leisure. Thus, we have more refined identification separated into different variables.

data$leiscat[socl] <- "social leisure"
data$leiscat[actl] <- "active leisure"
data$leiscat[pass] <- "passive leisure"
data$leiscat <- as.character(data$leiscat)

data$telecat[tele] <- "television"
data$telecat <- as.character(data$telecat)
New Activity Category Variables.
caseid activity duration actcat leiscat telecat
20030100013280 0 0 NA NA NA
20030100013280 0 0 NA NA NA
20030100013280 130124 60 leisure active leisure NA
20030100013280 0 0 NA NA NA
20030100013280 10201 30 sleep NA NA
20030100013280 0 0 NA NA NA
20030100013280 10101 600 sleep NA NA
20030100013280 0 0 NA NA NA
20030100013280 120303 150 leisure passive leisure television
20030100013280 0 0 NA NA NA
20030100013280 110101 5 NA NA NA
20030100013280 0 0 NA NA NA
20030100013280 120303 175 leisure passive leisure television
20030100013280 0 0 NA NA NA
20030100013280 10101 270 sleep NA NA
20030100013280 0 0 NA NA NA
20030100013280 10201 10 sleep NA NA
20030100013280 0 0 NA NA NA
20030100013280 130124 140 leisure active leisure NA
20030100013280 0 0 NA NA NA

Duration variables

Next we need to create summary variables with the total duration of each activty for each person

# Master activty variables
data <- data %>%
  group_by(caseid) %>%
  summarise (leisure  = sum(duration[actcat ==  "leisure"],    na.rm=TRUE),
             sleep    = sum(duration[actcat ==  "sleep"],      na.rm=TRUE),
             hswrk    = sum(duration[actcat ==  "housework"],  na.rm=TRUE),
             ccare    = sum(duration[actcat ==  "child care"], na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
  inner_join(data, by='caseid')

# Leisure activity variables
data <- data %>%
  group_by(caseid) %>%
  summarise (socl     = sum(duration[leiscat ==  "social leisure"],      na.rm=TRUE),
             actl     = sum(duration[leiscat ==  "active leisure"],      na.rm=TRUE),
             pass     = sum(duration[leiscat ==  "passive leisure"],     na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
  inner_join(data, by='caseid')

# Television variables
data <- data %>%
  group_by(caseid) %>%
  summarise (tele     = sum(duration[telecat ==  "television"],          na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
  inner_join(data, by='caseid')
New Activity Summary Variables.
caseid leisure sleep hswrk ccare socl actl pass tele
20030100013280 525 910 0 0 0 200 325 325
20030100013280 525 910 0 0 0 200 325 325
20030100013280 525 910 0 0 0 200 325 325
20030100013280 525 910 0 0 0 200 325 325
20030100013280 525 910 0 0 0 200 325 325

Create tidy data

Currently, the data is in long format, with each person represented in multiple rows in the dataset. We will aggregate the data so each person is represented once per row.

Long format.
caseid pernum lineno sex actline activity sleep
20030100013280 NA NA NA NA 0 910
20030100013280 1 1 Male NA 0 910
20030100013280 NA NA NA 1 130124 910
20030100013280 NA NA NA NA 0 910
20030100013280 NA NA NA 2 10201 910
20030100013280 NA NA NA NA 0 910
20030100013280 NA NA NA 3 10101 910
20030100013280 NA NA NA NA 0 910
20030100013280 NA NA NA 4 120303 910
20030100013280 NA NA NA NA 0 910

Create a summary dataset for the variables that repeat each row, per person

max <- data %>% 
  group_by(caseid) %>% 
  summarise_at(vars(tele, socl, actl, pass, ccare, hswrk, leisure, sleep, year), funs(max))
## Warning: funs() is soft deprecated as of dplyr 0.8.0
## please use list() instead
## # Before:
## funs(name = f(.)
## # After: 
## list(name = ~f(.))
## This warning is displayed once per session.

Notice that each person is now represented only once per row.

## # A tibble: 5 x 9
##   caseid          tele  socl  actl  pass ccare hswrk leisure sleep
##   <chr>          <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 20030100013280   325     0   200   325     0     0     525   910
## 2 20030100013344    60   530     0    60    60     0     610   680
## 3 20030100013352   120   220     0   120     0   325     340   640
## 4 20030100013848   265     0     0   265     5   270     265   755
## 5 20030100014165    60     0    60    60   120    70     130   460

Create a summary dataset for the variables that appear in the rectype = 1 rows, by person

rec1 <- data %>% 
  filter(rectype == 1) %>%
  select(caseid,  hh_size, hh_child, hh_numkids, ageychild, hh_numadults, hhtenure, region)
## # A tibble: 5 x 8
##   caseid hh_size hh_child hh_numkids ageychild hh_numadults hhtenure region
##   <chr>    <int>    <int>      <int>     <int>        <int> <fct>    <fct> 
## 1 20030~       3        0          0       999            3 Owned o~ West  
## 2 20030~       4        1          2         0            2 Owned o~ West  
## 3 20030~       2        0          0       999            2 Owned o~ West  
## 4 20030~       4        1          2         9            2 Owned o~ South 
## 5 20030~       4        1          2        14            2 Owned o~ South

Create a summary dataset for the variables that appear in the rectype = 2 rows, by person

rec2 <- data %>% 
  filter(rectype == 2) %>% 
  select(caseid, age, sex, race, hispan, marst, educ, fullpart, spousepres, spsex,  
         hh_numownkids, kidund13, day, wt06, telesolo, telesp)
## # A tibble: 5 x 16
##   caseid   age sex   race  hispan marst  educ fullpart spousepres spsex
##   <chr>  <int> <fct> <fct> <fct>  <fct> <int> <chr>    <fct>      <fct>
## 1 20030~    60 Male  Blac~ Not H~ Marr~    41 2        Spouse pr~ Fema~
## 2 20030~    41 Fema~ Whit~ Not H~ Marr~    30 2        Spouse pr~ Male 
## 3 20030~    26 Fema~ Whit~ Not H~ Marr~    31 2        Spouse pr~ Male 
## 4 20030~    36 Fema~ Blac~ Not H~ Marr~    21 99       Spouse pr~ Male 
## 5 20030~    51 Male  Whit~ Not H~ Marr~    42 1        Spouse pr~ Fema~
## # ... with 6 more variables: hh_numownkids <int>, kidund13 <fct>,
## #   day <fct>, wt06 <int>, telesolo <int>, telesp <int>

Put them all together.

atus <- reduce(list(max, rec1, rec2), 
               left_join, by = "caseid")

Take a look at the person-level file with activity duration summary variables

## # A tibble: 5 x 32
##   caseid  tele  socl  actl  pass ccare hswrk leisure sleep  year hh_size
##   <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <int>
## 1 20030~   325     0   200   325     0     0     525   910  2003       3
## 2 20030~    60   530     0    60    60     0     610   680  2003       4
## 3 20030~   120   220     0   120     0   325     340   640  2003       2
## 4 20030~   265     0     0   265     5   270     265   755  2003       4
## 5 20030~    60     0    60    60   120    70     130   460  2003       4
## # ... with 21 more variables: hh_child <int>, hh_numkids <int>,
## #   ageychild <int>, hh_numadults <int>, hhtenure <fct>, region <fct>,
## #   age <int>, sex <fct>, race <fct>, hispan <fct>, marst <fct>,
## #   educ <int>, fullpart <chr>, spousepres <fct>, spsex <fct>,
## #   hh_numownkids <int>, kidund13 <fct>, day <fct>, wt06 <int>,
## #   telesolo <int>, telesp <int>

Transform variables

# Gender
levels(atus$sex) <- c('Men', 'Women')

# Age

# Marital status
  # cohabitors in one group regardless of marital history
  # use spousepres variable as indicator of marital status at time of ATUS diary
atus <- atus %>%
    mar = case_when(
      spousepres == "Spouse present"                                                         ~ "Married",
      spousepres == "Unmarried partner present"                                              ~ "Cohabiting",
      marst      == "Never married" & spousepres == "No spouse or unmarried partner present" ~ "Single",
      marst      != "Widowed" & marst != "Never married" & 
      spousepres == "No spouse or unmarried partner present"                                 ~ "Divorced/Separated", 
      TRUE                                                                                   ~  NA_character_ 
atus$mar <- as_factor(atus$mar, levels = c("Married", "Cohabiting", "Single", "Divorced/Separated", ordered = TRUE))
## Warning: Some components of ... were not used: levels
# Spouse/partner sex
atus <- atus %>%
    spsex = case_when(
      spsex == "Male"                     ~ "Male",
      spsex == "Female"                   ~ "Female",
      spsex == "NIU (Not in universe)"    ~ "NIU",
      TRUE                                ~  NA_character_ 

atus$spsex <- as_factor(atus$spsex, levels = c("Male", "Female", "NIU"))
## Warning: Some components of ... were not used: levels
# Extended Family Member
atus <- atus %>%
    exfam = case_when(
      ((spousepres == "Spouse present" | spousepres == "Unmarried partner present") & hh_numadults <= 2) |
      ((spousepres == "No spouse or unmarried partner present") & hh_numadults <=1) ~ "No extra adults",
      ((spousepres == "Spouse present" | spousepres == "Unmarried partner present") & hh_numadults >= 3) |
      ((spousepres == "No spouse or unmarried partner present") & hh_numadults >=2) ~ "Extra adults",
      TRUE                        ~  NA_character_
atus$exfam <- as_factor(atus$exfam, levels = c("No extra adults", "Extra adults"))
## Warning: Some components of ... were not used: levels
atus$exfam <- relevel(atus$exfam, ref = "No extra adults")

#Kid under 2
atus <- atus %>%
    kidu2 = case_when(
     ageychild <=2 ~ "Child < 2",
     TRUE          ~ "No children < 2"
atus$kidu2 <- as_factor(atus$kidu2, levels = c("Child < 2", "No children < 2", ref = "No children < 2"))
## Warning: Some components of ... were not used: levels
# Number of own HH kids

# Employment
atus <- atus %>%
    employ = case_when(
     fullpart == "1"  ~ "Full-time",
     fullpart == "2"  ~ "Part-time",
     fullpart == "99" ~ "Not employed",
     TRUE             ~  NA_character_
atus$employ <- as_factor(atus$employ, levels = c("Full-time", "Part-time", "Not employed"))
## Warning: Some components of ... were not used: levels
# Education
atus <- atus %>%
    educ = case_when(
      (educ >= 10 & educ <= 17)   ~ "Less than high school",
      (educ >= 20 & educ <= 21)   ~ "High school",
      (educ >= 30 & educ <= 31)   ~ "Some college",
      (educ >= 40 & educ <= 43)   ~ "BA or higher",
      TRUE                        ~  NA_character_
atus$educ <- as_factor(atus$educ, levels = c("Less than high school", "High school", "Some college", "BA or higher", ref = "High school"))
## Warning: Some components of ... were not used: levels
# Race
atus <- atus %>%
    raceth = case_when(
      race   == "White only" & hispan == "Not Hispanic"  ~ "White",
      race   == "Black only" & hispan == "Not Hispanic"  ~ "Black",
      race   == "Asian only" & hispan == "Not Hispanic"  ~ "Asian",
      hispan != "Not Hispanic"                           ~ "Hispanic",
      TRUE                                               ~ "Other"
atus$raceth <- as_factor(atus$raceth, levels = c("White", "Black", "Hispanic", "Asian", "Other"))
## Warning: Some components of ... were not used: levels
atus$raceth <- relevel(atus$raceth, ref = "White")

# Weekend
atus <- atus %>%
    weekend = case_when(
      day == "Sunday"   | day == "Saturday"     ~ "Weekend",
      day == "Monday"   | day == "Tuesday" | day == "Wednesday" | 
      day == "Thursday" | day == "Friday"       ~ "Weekday",
      TRUE              ~  NA_character_
atus$weekend <- as_factor(atus$weekend, levels = c("Weekday", "Weekend"))
## Warning: Some components of ... were not used: levels
atus$weekend <- relevel(atus$weekend, ref = "Weekday")

# Region

# Home ownership
atus <- atus %>%
    ownrent = case_when(
      hhtenure == "Owned or being bought by a household member"     ~ "Own",
      hhtenure == "Rented for cash"                                 ~ "Rent",
      hhtenure == "Occupied without payment of cash rent"           ~ "Other",     
      hhtenure == "NIU (Not in universe)"                           ~ "Other",
      TRUE                                                          ~  NA_character_ 

atus$ownrent <- as_factor(atus$ownrent, levels = c("Own", "Rent", "Other"))
## Warning: Some components of ... were not used: levels

Sample selection

Limit the dataset to White, Black, and Hispanic mothers of children with kids 13 or younger.
Let’s also restict the dataset to mothers who are prime working age.

atus <- filter(atus, sex == "Women") # women
atus <- filter(atus, spsex == "Male" | spsex == "NIU") # Different sex couples or singles
atus <- filter(atus, hh_numownkids >=1) # mothers
atus <- filter(atus, ageychild <=13) #mothers of kids 13 or younger
atus <- filter(atus, age >= 18 & age <=54) #prime working age
atus <- filter(atus, raceth != "Asian" & raceth != "Other") # white, black, and Hispanic

Use listwise deletion to deal with missing data

# Keep only the variables of interest
atus <- select(atus, caseid, wt06, year, ccare, hswrk, leisure, sleep, socl, actl, pass, tele, telesolo, telesp, age, sex, mar, exfam, kidu2, hh_numownkids, employ, educ, raceth, weekend, region, ownrent)
# Listwise deletion
atus <- na.omit(atus)

# If want to look at only recent survey years, remove # below. Don't foget to then update the caption of the figure with the correct survey years.
# atus <- filter(atus, year >= 2012)

Here’s a look at the data

## Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame':    30557 obs. of  25 variables:
##  $ caseid       : chr  "20030100013344" "20030100013848" "20030100014550" "20030100014758" ...
##  $ wt06         : int  1735322 6622022 1528296 4277052 505227 1058351 3594555 2574209 2720948 2770442 ...
##  $ year         : num  2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 ...
##  $ ccare        : num  60 5 0 80 60 62 105 378 51 60 ...
##  $ hswrk        : num  0 270 395 170 50 58 390 295 34 65 ...
##  $ leisure      : num  610 265 120 542 175 113 180 197 131 240 ...
##  $ sleep        : num  680 755 720 255 615 615 660 510 543 585 ...
##  $ socl         : num  530 0 0 90 0 0 120 165 0 10 ...
##  $ actl         : num  0 0 0 150 0 30 60 30 0 10 ...
##  $ pass         : num  60 265 120 267 175 83 0 0 131 220 ...
##  $ tele         : num  60 265 120 0 175 83 0 0 111 180 ...
##  $ telesolo     : int  0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 98 120 ...
##  $ telesp       : int  60 265 120 0 0 53 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ age          : int  41 36 33 39 33 32 45 39 25 42 ...
##  $ sex          : Factor w/ 2 levels "Men","Women": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ mar          : Factor w/ 4 levels "Married","Cohabiting",..: 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 4 4 3 ...
##  $ exfam        : Factor w/ 2 levels "No extra adults",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ kidu2        : Factor w/ 2 levels "No children < 2",..: 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 ...
##  $ hh_numownkids: int  2 2 3 4 1 1 2 2 1 2 ...
##  $ employ       : Factor w/ 3 levels "Part-time","Not employed",..: 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 ...
##  $ educ         : Factor w/ 4 levels "BA or higher",..: 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 ...
##  $ raceth       : Factor w/ 5 levels "White","Black",..: 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 ...
##  $ weekend      : Factor w/ 2 levels "Weekday","Weekend": 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ region       : Factor w/ 4 levels "Northeast","Midwest",..: 4 3 2 1 3 1 3 2 2 3 ...
##  $ ownrent      : Factor w/ 3 levels "Own","Rent","Other": 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 ...
##  - attr(*, "na.action")= 'omit' Named int  45 49 63 82 92 131 132 140 154 157 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr  "45" "49" "63" "82" ...

Create Linear Models and Margins

Load the ggeffects package in order to compute marginal effects from statistical models and save the results as tidy data frames.


For each of activity variables of interest, run a linear model (lm) and then calculate the marginal effects (ggeffect)
ggeffect calculates the adjusted predictions at the means, using proportions to fix factors

lm_care <- lm(ccare   ~ mar + exfam + hh_numownkids + kidu2 + educ + employ + raceth + age + weekend + region + ownrent, data = atus, weight=wt06)
pcare   <- ggeffect(lm_care, terms = "mar")

lm_hswrk <- lm(hswrk  ~ mar + exfam + hh_numownkids + kidu2 + educ + employ + raceth + age + weekend + region + ownrent, data = atus, weight=wt06)
phswrk   <- ggeffect(lm_hswrk, terms = "mar")

lm_leis <- lm(leisure ~ mar + exfam + hh_numownkids + kidu2 + educ + employ + raceth + age + weekend + region + ownrent, data = atus, weight=wt06)
pleis   <- ggeffect(lm_leis, terms = "mar")

lm_sleep <- lm(sleep  ~ mar + exfam + hh_numownkids + kidu2 + educ + employ + raceth + age + weekend + region + ownrent, data = atus, weight=wt06)
psleep   <- ggeffect(lm_sleep, terms = "mar")

Combine predictions into one dataframe

For each of the marginal effects datasets, label the group values as the activity

levels(pcare$group)[levels(pcare$group)=="1"]   <- "Childcare"
levels(phswrk$group)[levels(phswrk$group)=="1"] <- "Housework"
levels(pleis$group)[levels(pleis$group)=="1"]   <- "Leisure"
levels(psleep$group)[levels(psleep$group)=="1"] <- "Sleep"

Maniuplate the marital status variable

# Change the variable to be a factor variable from numeric
pcare$x <- as.factor(pcare$x)
phswrk$x <- as.factor(phswrk$x)
pleis$x <- as.factor(pleis$x)
psleep$x <- as.factor(psleep$x)

Combine the datatables

pred <- rbind(pcare, phswrk, pleis, psleep)

Prepare the categorical variables for data visualization

# Revalue the marital status factors to be readable
levels(pred$x)[levels(pred$x)=="3"] <- "Married"
levels(pred$x)[levels(pred$x)=="1"] <- "Cohabiting"
levels(pred$x)[levels(pred$x)=="4"] <- "Single"
levels(pred$x)[levels(pred$x)=="2"] <- "Divorced/Separated"

# Order the marital status and activity factors
pred$x     <- ordered(pred$x, levels = c("Married", "Cohabiting", "Single", "Divorced/Separated"))
pred$group <- ordered(pred$group, levels = c("Childcare", "Housework", "Leisure", "Sleep"))

Calculate the difference variable (mothers time use compared to married mothers time use, by activity)

pred <- pred %>%
  group_by(group) %>%
  mutate(diff = predicted - predicted[x == "Married"])

Data visualization

pred %>%
  filter(x != "Married") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x, diff, fill = x, label = round(diff, 0))) +
  geom_col() +
  facet_grid(~group) +
  ggtitle("Married Mothers Report More Housework and Less Leisure and Sleep Than Other Mothers") +
  labs(x = NULL, y = NULL, subtitle = "Predicted minutes per day with model controls",
       caption = "Source: American Time Use Surveys (2003 - 2017) \n Models control for extra adults, number of household kids, kids under 2, \n education, employment, race-ethnicity, age, weekend diary day, and region") +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 11, vjust = 1),
        plot.caption  = element_text(vjust = 1), 
        strip.text.x  = element_text(size = 16),
        axis.title    = element_text(size = 14), 
        axis.text     = element_text(size = 12), 
        plot.title    = element_text(size = 16, face = "bold"),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank()) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(-30, -20, -10, 0, 10, 20, 30), labels=c("-30", "-20", "-10", "Married mothers' \n minutes per day", "10", "20", "30")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("#5D478B", "#CD3278", "#116A66")) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=diff-std.error, ymax=diff+std.error), width=.2,
                position=position_dodge(.9), color="grey")